Boshen Boshen Song | The Ajaira LTD | Prottoy Heron | Bangla New Song 2020 | Official Video|Dj Alvee. BongoBD | Street Dancer

2020-07-11 31

Boshen Boshen Song is a Bangla New Song made with Dipjol's Sefat Ullah's Khan Helal's Ahsan Habib Piar's Subha's and some more famous personality's Dialogues. Hopefully you guys will love this official music video.

Song: Boshen Boshen Song
Voice & Lyrics by Dipjol,Khan Helal,Sefat Ullah,Subha,Ahsan Habib Piar
Composed by Dj Alvee
Starring: Full Ajaira Team
Cinemetography - Atif Khan Srabon | Prottoy Heron | Ahsan Abir | Samiul
Choreography - Prottoy Heron | Minhaj Imran
Production Manager: Atif khan Srabon
Edit & Color: Prottoy Heron
Thumbnail: Ahsan Habib Niloy & Dj Alvee
Theme & Directed by Team Bongo

#boshenboshensong #Ajairaltd #banglasong
the ajaira ltd
bangla eid special 2020
music 2020